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Número total de libros encontrados: 39 para su búsqueda

I Believed In Me

Autor: Ambrocio Magana

Número de Páginas: 164

I was born in a small town that at that time had about 300 inhabitants between children and adults ... I am a simple person, not very happy but not bitter. I am always willing to help those who need it; I do not wait for me to go begging, I offer help. I do not have much education I went to school for a short time. I finished sixth grade until I had 15 years old, but I remember that since I was young I liked to write stories, although I had never had the opportunity to publish them. I hope these stories reach your hearts and I also hope they like you. I want you enjoy them so much that you want to read them all... and other stories more. Remember that reading gives you education and culture. A part of these stories is true. A common occurrence for some people, whether by nature or custom, is to criticize or judge others and, often we do not realize that we make that person, or their family feel bad. Sometimes we can even physically or mentally harm them. Among the stories written here, one is true. It speaks of a little girl who has been criticized since her birth but has had the intelligence to turn criticism into positive energy. She has not stopped to listen to mediocre...

Algunos problemas específicos de la descripción sintáctico-semántica

Autor: Juan Cuartero Otal , Gerd Wotjak

Número de Páginas: 370

El VI Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Hispánica tuvo como marco temático La descripción de la interfaz entre el léxico (la semántica léxica) y la sintaxis del español. Este volumen reúne algunos estudios presentados en este encuentro que se ocuparon desde diversos puntos de vista de la relación entre significado léxico y cuestiones como las propiedades combinatorias y de rección de los signos así como los procesos de transformación categorial y de formación de palabras. Esta compilación pretende ofrecer una perspectiva sobre quién es quién hoy en día en este ámbito de investigación, sobre las teorías y los modelos con los que se trabaja y sobre las cuestiones que más atención están recibiendo hoy día desde el punto de vista de las relaciones entre léxico, sintaxis y semántica.

Translation and Gender: Discourse Strategies to Shape Gender

Autor: Julia T. Williams Camus , Cristina Gómez Castro , Alexandra Assis Rosa , Carmen Camus Camus

Número de Páginas: 160

This volume includes a collection of chapters dealing with a number of aspects pertaining to the intersection between translation studies and gender studies. Although these disciplines have received the attention of numerous scholars since the 1970s, the current multidisciplinary approach in the humanities and social sciences involves the use of new methodological and analytical tools, which undoubtedly enrich and provide new insights in these fields. The articles in the present monograph represent the current state of translation studies from a gender perspective. From diverse methodological and ideological approaches, they deal with important aspects related to the construction and the representation of gender identity in processes of intersemiotic adaptation, of interlinguistic transfer and intercultural re-creation. Este volumen incluye una selección de capítulos que versan sobre diferentes aspectos de la intersección entre los estudios de traducción y los estudios de género. Aunque estas disciplinas han recibido la atención de numerosos investigadores desde la década de los 70, la actual aproximación multidisciplinar en las humanidades y ciencias sociales implica el...

Silverpowdered Olivetrees

Autor: Jefferey Simons

Número de Páginas: 302

Veintitrés aportaciones de otros tantos especialistas en Joyce al Thirteenth annual meetings organizado por la Spanish James Joyce Society en Huelva en abril de 2002. Se abordan temas tan diversos como la recepción de Joyce y su obra en la prensa española, datos biográficos del escritor o posibles paralelismos entre Joyce y escritores autóctonos como Blasco Ibáñez, Juan Ramón o Torrente Ballester.


Autor: María Fernanda González Nájera

Número de Páginas: 403

Emma and James Robberts are two brothers who live in the misery of a war. When their father leaves to fight for the least patriotism he has left their whole life changes more. Ten years after that James follows his father steps and leaves to war. Emma is left alone with her abusive mother . While she tries to not lose hope, James learns everything he knew was a lie and the only thing that keeps him going is that one day he will see his sister again. A criticism of the real world and the sweet story of two brothers who will travel the world to unite.

The Valley of the Hammocks

Autor: Fredis Reyes

Número de Páginas: 194

This is a story of three visits, which is remote back in the year 80 and 90, in the center of the cold war in El Salvador. A teenager is dragged by his dreams, his ambition to get to know the city; for love is involved on the front of the guerillas, making travels from the city to his town, ending with the reunion of his blood that he did not know existed and next to it says goodbye to his big love.

One Eagle's Journey to Glory

Autor: Gerardo Solórzano Garcia

Número de Páginas: 214

As the Mexican golden eagle is raised and prepared by its parents to go out south in search of a magical moment where a new nation would take place, after the accomplishment of this journey, some nasty snakes kill his parents in an effort to kill him to prevent this magical moment from happening. Having experienced this nasty event, the eagle swears revenge and takes a flight to the south. The snakes realize that this eagle is still alive and team up with a big flock of bloodthirsty scavengers and, flying on top of them, head south to stop this eagle. Parallel to this eagle’s journey, the Aztecs too have to head over to the south in pursuit of this magical moment where an eagle has to be on top of a nopal devouring a serpent. There is where their empire and Tenochtitlan would be built. Both know that this is a god’s mandate and they have to do it even at the risk of their lives, for if they fail, a spell could fall on them forever.

El libro de los juegos florales cervantistas y otras fiestas, organizadas por la Colonia Española de Valparaíso en los días 22 y 23 de Abril de 1916, en homenaje al autor del inmortal libro "El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha."

Autor: Pelayo De Tapia

Número de Páginas: 518

Martita, I Remember You/Martita, te recuerdo

Autor: Sandra Cisneros

Número de Páginas: 120

The celebrated bestselling author of The House on Mango Street “is back with her first work of fiction in almost a decade, a story of memory and friendship [and] the experiences young women endure as immigrants worldwide” (AP). In this masterfully written dual-language edition, a long-forgotten letter sets off a charged encounter with the past. As a young woman, Corina leaves her Mexican family in Chicago to pursue her dream of becoming a writer in the cafés of Paris. Instead, she spends her brief time in the City of Light running out of money and lining up with other immigrants to call home from a broken pay phone. But the months of befriending panhandling artists in the métro, sleeping on crowded floors, and dancing the tango at underground parties are given a lasting glow by her intense friendships with Martita and Paola. Over the years the three women disperse to three continents, falling out of touch and out of mind—until a rediscovered letter brings Corina’s days in Paris back with breathtaking immediacy. Martita, I Remember You is a rare bottle from Sandra Cisneros’s own special reserve, preserving the smoke and the sparkle of an exceptional year. Told with...

Divide To Conquer / Divide y Vencerás Bilingual (English & Spanish)

Autor: Carl Sommer

Número de Páginas: 40

Un Fatídico Primero de Mayo

Autor: Amanda Mariel

Número de Páginas: 52

Descripción del libro: Lady Emma Finch sabía que habría un desastre cuando acordó con sus amigas, de acompañarlas a la villa para el festival del Primero de Mayo. Ella no se imaginó que vendría en la forma de un buenmozo pícaro que la besara. El Visconde Linley, Archer Wakefield, asistió al festival con intenciones de divertirse y juguetear. Cuando su amigo le ofreció un reto, Linley estuvo feliz de aceptarlo. ¿Qué daño podría surgir al besar a una chica de la villa? Ni Linley, ni Emma podrían haber adivinado a dónde los llevaría esa aventura del Primero de Mayo.

The Heart of a Young Immigrant Mother

Autor: Rosa Ajanel

Número de Páginas: 27

This book talks about the reasons why many people from Central America emigrate to the United States. This is also about how it was my journey and how I crossed the desert of the United States. In reality, most of us as immigrants have a past that has marked our lives, and I dare to talk about this so that all the people of the world see the cruel reality that we have to pass to arrive in United States.

The Practical Spanish Teacher; Or a New Method of Learning to Read, Write, and Speak the Spanish Language, in a Series of Lessons

Autor: Norman Pinney

Número de Páginas: 398

Twin Souls

Autor: Raimon Samsó

Número de Páginas: 358

Unveil the Mysteries of Twin Souls in "Twin Souls: A Story of Love and Transformation" Do twin souls genuinely exist? Can love transcend time and space to bring two souls together for an eternal bond? Find the answers and more in the enchanting and soul-stirring novel, "Twin Souls: A Story of Love and Transformation." Witness the breathtaking journey of soulmates as they meet, separate, and reunite, defying all odds to teach each other invaluable lessons of love and life. Embrace the heartwarming tale of how true love triumphs over fear, creating an unbreakable connection that transcends the physical world. Time and space hold no power over these destined souls, who come together to experience a love that expands beyond comprehension. Set in the picturesque backdrop of Santa Monica, California, and inspired by true events, "Twin Souls" has captivated readers since 1998. This award-winning novel, which received the New Age Robin Books First Edition Award, has sold tens of thousands of copies and is regarded as a definitive reference on the subject of soulmates. Intricately woven with the profound principles from the renowned book "A Course in Miracles," "Twin Souls" delves deep...

Edolón Zero: Edición definitiva

Autor: Sam G. C.

Número de Páginas: 314

“Brutal, adictiva, en algunos momentos la tensión me dejaba sin respiración. Final vertiginoso.” Natalia Meraki “Un cóctel de ¿Terminator, Dead Space y El mago de Oz? (más o menos). Para disfrutarlo como un enano.” Guillermo Blázquez EDOLÓN ya no es un PARAÍSO. La luna-ciudad, lugar de retiro para la élite terrestre, se ha convertido en una zona cero. Cuando la nave Hermes aterriza, solo dos pasajeros consiguen sobrevivir: el androide doméstico T1N, un polizón en busca de su creadora y DOTTY, ***Nueva edición con más de 10.000 palabras y un montón de extras*** Esta edición incluye: + Novela versión extendida EPUB+MOBI + 15 ilustraciones a todo color + Prólogo de Daniel Pérez (Boy with letters) + EXTRA: 20 páginas de cómic (PDF) + EXTRA: Libro de bocetos del autor (PDF)

Bilingual Short Stories Based on Reality and Dreams

Autor: Mayela Acuña Rojas - Hess

Número de Páginas: 58

A veces vivimos momentos difíciles en nuestras vidas. Otras veces nos reímos de las circunstancias que se nos presentan. Y todos buscamos las respuestas al sentido de nuestra vida y quizás muchas de ellas las encontramos en nuestros sueños. Estos tres cuentos cuentos nos hablan de esos momentos que hemos vivido de una u otra forma. Sufrimos, nos reímos y soñamos. Sometimes we live through difficult times in our lives. Other times we laugh at the circumstances before us. And we all seek the answers to the meaning of our lives and perhaps many of them we find in our dreams. These three short stories tell us about those moments we've experienced in one way or another. We suffer, laugh and dream.

Orgullo y Prejuicio – Pride and Prejudice

Autor: Jane Austen

Número de Páginas: 640

Novela de la inglesa Jane Austen (1775–1817) publicada en 1817 y pionera en su género. En ella se combina con gran maestría la pincelada realista y costumbrista y la sátira poética y sentimental de la Inglaterra de principios del siglo XIX. Esta historia inmortal puso a su autora un lugar destacado en la novelística de todos los tiempos. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 10.1px Verdana}

Nuevo Método del Doctor Enrique Ollendorff para aprender a leer, hablar y escribir una lengua cualquiera

Autor: H. G. Ollendorff

Número de Páginas: 250

Unseen Worlds

Autor: Lorena Samano

Número de Páginas: 91

A beautiful girl named Scarlett was abandoned in a mysterious orphanage and suffers from a tragic ailment—her skin is ultrasensitive to light. She spends much of her childhood indoors at the ancient castle, even as she longs to go outside to play with her friends. Born with a unique gift that allows her to see what others cannot, her eyes open to the supernatural. She experiences visions of angels, shadowy demons, and other mysterious beings hidden from those around her. Living in the castle, she notices strange figures, weird, monstrously shaped shadows, and disembodied voices, but she also sees enchanting things that makes her forget the shadows. Along the way, Scarlett witnesses many battles between the forces of good and evil. Though she is tempted by darkness along the way, her pure heart always brings her back from the brink of losing her soul. She tries to unravel the mystery of the noble family that lived many years ago in the castle and the secrets they hold. As time passes, Scarlett discovers that her gift is not only to view the supernatural. It is more powerful than she imagines, but her true desire is to someday be a part of a family that loves her. Does she really...

The heiress to the five suns

Autor: Natalia Moderc Wahlström

Número de Páginas: 280

Only by knowing her past can she find herself. The Parker Family live with their only daughter, Anya, on a prosperous farm dedicated to the breeding and export of polo horses in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. When the girl is nine years old, a fire breaks out during a party in the guest house which ends the life of her father. Her mother, devastated, decides to return to her hometown, Windsor in England, with her little girl.Together they have to restart their lives and carry the burden of the sorrow that the loss of their loved one caused. Years later, Anya, now a beautiful young woman, decides to return to the horse-ranch to reclaim her inheritance and above all to rediscover her roots. There she rebuilds and reopens their old house, discovers secrets that she had never been told and embarks on a search for a hidden treasure that her father had left her. Returning to her former home leads her to a new world and she finds much more than her land. She understands that the past is part of our lives, that sometimes goodbyes are necessary to mark the beginning of a new stage and, especially, that true love is stronger than time and distance and forever present. Intertwined...

For Me Daddy? ¿Para mí, Daddy?

Autor: Jose Useche

Número de Páginas: 54

Being born as a premature baby in Peru, Isabella, now ten years old, recalls with her dad and mom the ordeals they overcame together. In these pages, you can read for yourself how—by acting in faith and love and placing their trust in the care of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ—this family managed to bring their baby daughter back to New York City, where she now lives. As parents of premature babies can attest, we give our lives and very souls to these infants as soon as they are born and placed in urgent care. We watch and pray, hoping they will survive and grow up to be beautiful children. This book is a tribute to all the babies who come into this world, and from their very first breath, their battle to sustain life is before them. Read in these pages how the author travels to Peru various times and in each visit a new adventure in order to bring his precious daughter Isabella to NYC. Never losing faith that God would bring them through this test and eventually guide them home safe and sound...now you can read firsthand through the eyes of Isabella all the details and feelings that only a beautiful daughter can convey, and in thus doing enchant our lives. Como padres de...

Dark Wings of Love

Autor: Jorge Luis Tirado Lizarraga

Número de Páginas: 114

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of "Dark Wings of Love," a short novel of paranormal fantasy that will transport you through a story brimming with emotion and mystery. Sofie, a brave and resilient woman, finds herself in a heartbreaking struggle after falling into a coma and losing her two precious daughters in a tragic accident. Confronting devastation and the darkness that engulfs her heart, she embarks on a supernatural journey that will challenge her understanding of the world and lead her to discover the transformative power of unconditional love. As Sofie delves into the realm of fantasy and the paranormal, she encounters mystical beings and dark entities, but also spiritual guides who help her find light amidst adversity. In her quest to heal her shattered soul and find renewed purpose, she will face supernatural trials and uncover hidden truths that defy her deepest beliefs. "Dark Wings of Love" is a captivating tale that explores the limits of hope and redemption, reminding us that even in the darkest moments, love can guide the way to healing and transformation. Through thrilling twists, endearing characters, and meticulously crafted supernatural settings, this ...

Tirso de Molina: The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest

Número de Páginas: 241

Tirso de Molina was, with Lope de Vega and Calderón, one of the great dramatists of 17th century Spain, which produced a theatre as vital rich and as varied as its Elizabethan counterpart.

Perspectiva social y relaciones humanas en el teatro de Arnold Wesker

Autor: Rafael Monroy Casas

Número de Páginas: 224

Mi primera Navidad sin ti

Autor: Giselle Javelly

La Navidad puede ser una de las épocas más difíciles del año para las personas que recién han perdido un ser querido, especialmente para Ceci, una niña que apenas descubre la vida. En su duelo, entrará a la Villita de Navidad y entre la magia del lugar, se reencontrará con un mundo que creía perdido.

Calderon: The Schism in England: La cisma de Inglaterra

Autor: Kenneth Muir

Número de Páginas: 273

Admired by Shelley for 'its satisfying completeness', this thought-provoking and skilfully constructed play, which dramatizes the same subject as Shakespeare's Henry VIII , is one of its creator's most outstanding achievements.

Calderon: the Schism in England: la Cisma de Inglaterra

Número de Páginas: 273

Admired by Shelley for 'its satisfying completeness', this thought-provoking and skilfully constructed play, which dramatizes the same subject as Shakespeare's Henry VIII, is one of its creator's most outstanding achievements.

Curso de Inglés, Inglés para Españoles Nivel Superior

Autor: Carmelo Mangano , Debra Lynn Hillman

Número de Páginas: 470

Finalmente un método de inglés completo de diálogos, lecturas, ejercicios de pronunciación y escritura, traducciones y el vocabulario nuevo usado en los diferentes módulos, con el soporte de las audiciones y las claves que facilitan el autoaprendizaje. El Nivel Superior está 100% grabado en audio. Contiene 470 páginas de texto y 10 horas de grabaciones en audio. Con el Nivel Superior pasas desde del Nivel inicial-intermedio para llegar a los conocimientos más articulados de la lengua. "Inglés para Españoles" resuelve las dificultades específicas del estudiante español. El estudiante aprende todas aquellas expresiones y estructuras que le facilitan la comprensión auditiva y la comunicación oral. Al completar el Curso el estudiante habrá aprendido cerca de 3000 palabras y centenares de expresiones coloquiales inglesas. Esta compra es para el texto solamente. Contacta con los autores para recibir el audio gratis: carmelo.mangano@gmail.com

The blind view

Autor: Julio Aurelio Olivero Lara

Número de Páginas: 139

The Blind View nace en el 2018 en Brno, República Checa junto a la primera parte, Thistance (This Distance). Este segundo poemario presenta un después de la adaptación de aquel joven caribeño a la cultura europea, dejando entender a simple vista la conexión que queda entre el viajero y su destino, entre la inspiración y la musa, entre la libertad y el autoconocimiento. Todos hemos estado allí, en el espacio justo entre quienes éramos ayer y quiénes somos hoy. Leerle es navegar tus propios mares.

El CÑndor and Other Stories / El cÑndor y otros cuentos

Autor: Sabine R. UlibarrÕ

Número de Páginas: 230

This bilingual collection of stories - set in the Southwestern United States and South America0́4deals with love and culture conflict in an evolving political and economic environment in modern-day New Mexico.

Spanish for beginners

Autor: Habes Mubarak

Número de Páginas: 309

You can learn Spanish and it can be fast! This book is a compilation of the knowledge and information that I have accumulated in my 2 and a half years of living in Spain, that include: grammar, vocabulary, useful questions and sentences, sayings and idioms, and even slang. The objective of this book is to teach you as much as possible in the simplest way possible. Hence it will not go in depth in some boring grammar that may never benefit you, rather, it will demonstrate and teach the technique I used to learn Spanish and start engaging in conversations within the first month of my learning journey.


Autor: Marisima

Número de Páginas: 86

This book is about those who nobody talks about, about those who go unnoticed in class, those who receive criticism, so much criticism that they are silenced. We are the Unpopular, and we’re here to share our story, with its lights and shadows, but this story is unrepeatable and unforgettable. If anything has strengthened us, it is our friendship built on pain and courage. We are very proud to share our story with you. Here it is.

Ollendorff's New Method of Learning to Read, Write, and Speak: the Spanish Language

Autor: Heinrich Gottfried Ollendorff

Número de Páginas: 576

Modern Spanish Grammar

Autor: Christopher J. Pountain , Juan Kattán-ibarra

Número de Páginas: 461

This new edition of the Modern Spanish Grammar: A Practical Guide is an innovative reference guide to Spanish, combining traditional and function-based grammar in a single volume.

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