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Número total de libros encontrados: 38 para su búsqueda


Autor: Bernardo Beccar Varela

Número de Páginas: 226

The lightener is heavy inside the pocket. It demands to be used. The flames overwhelm Diego's mind like a need that can't be controlled. A hunger that ends when a fire starts. There is nothing more beautiful than those orange flames consuming everything in its path. After his last public burning, an old high-school classmate makes him an offer: join the arsonist gang. But meeting a group of avenging monks and a fire chief obsessed with solving the mystery wasn't a part of the plan. Now the danger is creeping up on Diego and only treason can set him free. Rites of passage, clandestine meetings, crimes, and a secret well-kept by the ecclesiastic leaders will lead Diego to make desperate decisions. And once the fire is set alight, there is no turning back.

Reversible Monuments

Autor: Mónica De La Torre , Michael Wiegers

Número de Páginas: 520

Not since 1959 when Octavio Paz and Samuel Beckett published An Anthology of Mexican Poetry, has there been a collection which so thoroughly examines the poetry of the country known for being "too far from God and too close to the United States." Yet, as Elliott Weinberger writes in his introduction, "Americans know everything about God, but next to nothing about Mexico—few know that Mexico-particularly when compared to the United States-is a kind of paradise for poets." Reversible Monuments introduces this "paradise" to American readers. It includes major international writers like Alberto Blanco, Pura Lopez Colome, and David Huerta, as well as exciting younger poets, and poets whose work, while well-known in the Spanish-speaking world has not yet seen publication in English. The twenty-five poets represented are as diverse as their American counterparts: They are urban, educated, younger, well travelled, aware of their literary heritage, and include Buddhists, feminists, Jewish poets, experimental poets, darkly brooding poets, and playfully entertaining poets. Until the Poem Remains by Francisco Hernandez Strip away all the flesh until the poem remains with the sonorous...

Ultimate Lighting Design

Autor: Hervé Descottes , Sean Weiss , Teneues Publishing Company Staff , L'observatoire International

Número de Páginas: 528

This edition illustrates the dynamic architectural lighting projects of New York-based designer Herve Descottes / L'Observatoire International. A unique monographic work, Ultimate Lighting Design reveals Descottes' collaborations with internationally renowned architects, artists and designers.

Town of Mucenka

Autor: Jorge Peñamedrano Carcedo

Número de Páginas: 395

The city of Mucenka is a shadow. Maria and Thomas flee to the interior of the forest, where they will create a beautiful family. One of his sons, Oscar, oblivious to everything on the other side of the splendid and leafy forest that circumscribes the lands of his parents, unawared of his past, will take a decisive step that will change the course of everything he longed in his life. Everything that his parents did not tell him, with the healthy intention of protecting him, was revealed against the family in an Oscar's slip. From that tragic moment, the young man had to fight for much more than survival. He struggled to breathe and to be able to think freely. Many efforts were useless and vain, but there was one that, always, was worth it, until the end: To learn.

Studien Zur Gregor Von Nyssa und Der Christlichen Spätantike

Autor: Hubertus Rudolf Drobner , Ch Klock

Número de Páginas: 436

Mis mejores canciones 1970-2015

Autor: Patti Smith

Número de Páginas: 264

Las letras de las mejores canciones de Patti Smith, desde 1970 hasta hoy, en una edición que incluye documentos manuscritos inéditos y que conmemora los 40 años de su disco más emblemático, Horses. Todos tenemos una canción. Llegan así, de repente, expresando alegría o soledad, y sirven para disipar el miedo o celebrar un pequeño triunfo. Casi no nos damos cuenta de que estamos componiéndolas mientras las cantamos, a menudo solos, casi para nosotros. Encontrar la canción que llevamos dentro es lo que nos impulsa a cantar. Puede ser un cántico de alabanza, una chispa de rebelión o una plegaria adolescente. Descubrimos la inspiración donde podemos... En una vieja guitarra arrinconada o en un garaje, debajo de la cama o colgando del escaparate de una casa de empeño. En una frase que nos trae el viento mientras caminamos o en el reflejo de nuestro rostro en un espejo. Esas canciones tan pequeñas hechas de poesía, la actuación improvisada y la colaboración dieron lugar a estas letras, escritas con la esperanza de calar hondo, llegando a alguien que descubra lo que significan en su interior y las cante con nosotros. Patti Smith La crítica ha dicho... «Patti Smith no ...

The University of Chicago Spanish-English Dictionary, Sixth Edition

Autor: Carlos Castillo , Otto Ferdinand Bond , María Irene Moyna

Número de Páginas: 626

For more than sixty years, The University of Chicago Spanish–English Dictionary has set the standard for concise bilingual dictionaries. Now thoroughly revised to reflect the most current vocabulary and usage in both languages, this dictionary enables users to find the precise equivalents of the words and phrases they seek. Completely bilingual, the dictionary focuses on two contemporary international languages, American English and a worldwide Spanish rooted in both Latin American and Iberian sources. The sixth edition has been updated with six thousand new words and meanings selected for their frequency of use, rising popularity, and situational necessity. In order to best represent the dynamic and increasingly connected cultures of three continents, this edition features enhanced coverage of the vocabulary associated with four areas of increasing global importance: medicine, business, digital technology, and sports. Clear, precise, and easy to use, The University of Chicago Spanish–English Dictionary continues to serve as the essential reference for students, travelers, businesspeople, and everyone interested in building their linguistic proficiency in both Spanish and...

Tradición clásica y universidad

Autor: Francisco L. (ed.) Lisi Bereterbide

Número de Páginas: 700

Que Siente Uno Cuando Es Medium/Espiritualista? / How One Feels as a Medium-Spiritualist?

Autor: Rainoa Serrano

Número de Páginas: 61

Al escribir este contenido de mi libro, ¿Cómo me siento siendo médium/espiritista? Sentí la necesidad de llevar este mensaje que eh podido vivir visiones y de nacer con la cruz en la frente llevando un camino difícil cuando apenas cumplía 5 años de edad. Deseo que al leer de estas páginas, los lectores de una forma sana, puedan entender e interpretar lo que eh podido sentir y vivir, recibiendo visiones extrañas y tratando de controlarlas. Espero aprendas y te ilumines con lo desconocido, que de esta lectura recibas el conocimiento espiritual.

Traducciones poéticas completas: W. Shakespeare, P.B. Shelley, T.E. Hulme, E. Pound, T.S. Eliot y R.M. Rilke

Autor: Vicente Gaos

Número de Páginas: 488

English 5 Competent

Autor: Paula Flores Kastanis , Katherine Urquijo Flores

Número de Páginas: 180

By the end of English 5, the students will be able to read, understand, write, summarize and structure information graphically that is presented in different types of texts written in English related to social, economic, scientific and technological progress of humanity. The purpose of English 5 of the series named Competent, is to provide English teachers with the material to cover in detail the fifth course of five from the DGETI system. Series´ goal: Students are expected to reach a B1 level according to the Common European Framework (CEF). at the end of the English program. This means, students must be able to do what is described for levels A1, A2, and B1. This is the goal of the English program at DGETI at the end of the five courses. It is expected that at the end of this fifth course, which may be considered a transition level between A2 and B1, the students will have developed skills at a higher A2 level and skills at a basic B1 level according to the CEF. B1 level is described as follows: The person is able to understand the main points of clear texts in standard language if they are about familiar topics, in work, school, or leisure situations. The person can perform...

Border of a Dream

Autor: Antonio Machado

Número de Páginas: 360

Antonio Machado (1875–1939) is Spain’s master poet, the explorer of dream and landscape, and of consciousness below language. Widely regarded as the greatest twentieth century poet who wrote in Spanish, Machado—like his contemporary Rilke—is intensely introspective and meditative. In this collection, the unparalleled translator Willis Barnstone, returns to the poet with whom he first started his distinguished career, offering a new bilingual edition which provides a sweeping assessment of Machado’s work. In addition, Border of a Dream includes a reminiscence by Nobel Laureate Juan Ramón Jiménez and a foreword by John Dos Passos. from "Proverbs and Songs" Absolute faith. We neither are nor will be. Our whole life is borrowed We brought nothing. With nothing we leave. * You say nothing is created? Don’t worry. With clay of the earth make a cup so your brother can drink. Born near Seville, Spain, Antonio Machado turned to a career in writing and translating in order to help support his family after the death of his father in 1893. His growing reputation as a poet led to teaching posts in various cities in Spain and, eventually, he returned to finish his degree from the...

Elementos de fisica esperimental dedicados á la enseñanza de los alumnos del Instituto nacional i de la Academia militar

Autor: Abendaño

Número de Páginas: 722

Manual de simbología

Autor: Juan Raez Padilla

Número de Páginas: 244

Son los principios que garantizan nuestra existencia. Aunque también nos lo arrebatan todo. Hasta el momento, por lo general, los cuatro elementos —tierra, agua, aire y fuego— se han asociado con bastante frecuencia a disciplinas tales como el esoterismo, la magia, el tarot, libros de autoayuda, etc. Sin embargo, han surgido en los últimos años corrientes humanistas que se han centrado en su estudio desde una perspectiva histórico-literaria. En ese sentido, este manual es una útil herramienta de consulta que puede servir de base para otros estudios aplicados de corte simbólico-literario. El libro se enmarca en esta corriente humanista. En el primer capítulo se muestran los diferentes postulados presocráticos de los que parte la teoría de los cuatro elementos. Una vez trazado el camino que lleva a los cuatro elementos desde la filosofía a la simbología, en el segundo capítulo se expone un estudio sobre el símbolo. Finalmente, los cuatro elementos en la simbología tradicional es la temática del tercer capítulo, en el que se analizan los principales valores y antivalores simbólicos de tierra, agua, aire y fuego, enfatizando así su ambivalencia y la distinta...

Breaking New Ground

Autor: W. Michael Mudrovic

Número de Páginas: 598

"Each of these works is meticulously structured around a two-poem section that gives each its unique configuration and character. Yet, at the same time, each poem maintains its individual independence and singular integrity."--BOOK JACKET. "In Breaking New Ground, W. Michael Mudrovic presents a comprehensive reading and detailed analysis of Rodriguez's work to date, including Casi una leyenda."--BOOK JACKET.

Color & food

Autor: Jose Luis Caivano , Mabel Amanda Lopez

Número de Páginas: 628

This book includes keynote lectures by specialists, oral papers and posters on diferent aspects of color related to food, as well as a commercial market and an artistic exhibition. The theme of the meeting is approached from different perspectives, including not only tecnology and colorimetry from diferent perspectives, including not only food technology and colorimetry, color chemestry and physics, but also commercial architecture and design, lighting, packaging, advetising and colorcomunication.

Homenatge professor Josep M.Costa (eBooK) 1a part. Trends in electrochemistry and corrosion at the beginning of the 21st century

Autor: Pere-lluís Cabot Julia , Enric Brillas Coso

Número de Páginas: 547

Esta primera parte del libro "Trends in Electrochemistry and Corrosion at the beginning of the 21st century", dedicado al Prof. Josep M. Costa en ocasión de su 70 aniversario, reúne un total de 33 artículos y revisiones originales, tanto científicas como tecnológicas, correspondientes al campo de la Electroquímica. Estos trabajos están escritos en español e inglés por unos 110 investigadores de todo el mundo, y son exponentes representativos del gran nivel alcanzado por la investigación internacional en diversas materias de gran interés en la Electroquímica de principios de este siglo XXI. Los trabajos se han agrupado en 5 capítulos generales relativos a los campos de Electroquímica Molecular, Electrodeposición, Electrodos Modificados, Descontaminación Electroquímica, y Sensores y Electroanálisis....This first part of the book "Trends in Electrochemistry and Corrosion at the beginning of the 21st century", dedicated to Professor Josep M. Costa in occasion of his 70th birthday, collects 33 original papers and reviews, both scientific and technologic, corresponding to the field of Electrochemistry. These works are written in English and Spanish by about 110...

Diccionario nuevo y completo de las lenguas española é inglesa, inglesa y española, ...

Autor: Tomás Conelly (o.p.)

Número de Páginas: 724

Valle Inclan: The Lights of Bohemia

Autor: John E. Lyon

Número de Páginas: 193

Written in the early 1920s, Lights of Bohemia is set in the twilight phase of Madrid's bohemian artistic life against the turbulent social and political background of events between 1900 and 1920.

Diccionario inglés

Número de Páginas: 548

English and Spanish definitions are presented side-by-side in a unique two-column format, with hundreds of sample sentences and numerous common idioms and phrases. This useful volume provides the foundation for more advanced English-language study.

El sombrero de tres picos

Autor: Pedro Antonio De Alarcón

Número de Páginas: 279

"El sombrero de tres picos" de Pedro Antonio de Alarcón de la Editorial Good Press. Good Press publica una gran variedad de títulos que abarca todos los géneros. Van desde los títulos clásicos famosos, novelas, textos documentales y crónicas de la vida real, hasta temas ignorados o por ser descubiertos de la literatura universal. Editorial Good Press divulga libros que son una lectura imprescindible. Cada publicación de Good Press ha sido corregida y formateada al detalle, para elevar en gran medida su facilidad de lectura en todos los equipos y programas de lectura electrónica. Nuestra meta es la producción de Libros electrónicos que sean versátiles y accesibles para el lector y para todos, en un formato digital de alta calidad.

Building Spiritual Muscle / Fortalezca Mente Y Espiritu

Autor: Antonio Almeida

Número de Páginas: 210

Building Spiritual Muscles is written in five parts. Part I talks about how my encounters with ordinary people during my world travels helped put my years of metaphysical understandings into perspective. Part II is a sketch of my early life where the seeds of my metaphysical thought processes were sown. Part III offers advice for developing physical strength and endurance based on my many years of body building and work as a personal trainer. In part IV, I share insights, instructions, meditations and exercises that I use for building spiritual strength. Part V highlights essential metaphysical guidelines that can expand have expanded my capacity for inner peace no matter what Ive encountered on lifes journey. This book is not a traditional how-to book. I believe that each individual must find his or her own path to happiness and peace of mind. My belief is that sharing my personal experiences and revelations would motivate others on their journey to peace of mind. This is a journey of the heart. It begins by being open to others, being non-judgmental, having compassion and self-love. It takes living and experiencing to discover your own individual way. The only person who can...

Compact Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Autor: Nicholas Rollin , Carol Styles Carvajal , Jane Horwood

Número de Páginas: 1089

Provides translations of over ninety thousand words and phrases into European and Latin American Spanish, as well as information about grammar, culture, and communication.

Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains

Autor: George Frederick Augustus Ruxton

Número de Páginas: 324

Francisco de Quevedo: Dreams and Discourses

Número de Páginas: 369

The Sueños is one of the most controversial, witty and fantastic works of early 17th century Spanish literature. The five Dreams minutely analyse stupidity, ignorance and evil, as these could be found in contemporary society.

Calderon The Physician of his Honour

Autor: Donald Hindley

Número de Páginas: 217

One of the most intellectually and emotionally engaging of the Spanish Golden Age (seventeenth century) plays, as well as the most controversial. Taking place during the reign of King Pedro of Castile (1350¡1369), it is one of the spectacular 'honour dramas', in which the main characters confront compelling yet conflicting imperatives.


Autor: Hilda Doolittle

Número de Páginas: 384

Un poema maravillosamente fluido. Un camino sin baches hacia lo sublime. «H.D. es sinónimo de deseo, de imaginación y de clarividencia. Tal vez una de las poetas más increíbles -aunque incomprendida y secreta- de la primera mitad del siglo xx. [...] En Trilogía podemos ver parte de toda su magia en expansión.» Luna Miguel Los tres largos poemas que conforman Trilogía constituyen una de las obras maestras de la poesía del siglo XX, comparable a los Cuatro cuartetos de T.S. Eliot, a Brigflatts de Basil Bunting o a Notas hacia una ficción suprema de Wallace Stevens. Escrita bajo el impacto de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, H.D. indaga a lo largo de esta obra en el amor, la muerte o la posibilidad de redención, llevando su propia poesía -despojada ahora de las tiranías del imaginismo que había ayudado a fundar- a terrenos nunca antes explorados, configurando así uno de los experimentos literarios más arriesgados y fructíferos de nuestro tiempo. Reseñas: «Madura de edad y genio, H. D. ha crecido, años hace que el imaginismo se le quedó pequeño, pero sus versos son aún rápidos como saetas. De su oracular Trilogía se desprende el enésimo sentido, el exclusivo de...

A Mummy in Her Backpack / Una momia en su mochila

Autor: James G. Luna

Número de Páginas: 64

Flor returns to school from a vacation in Mexico, only to find she brought back a small man with dark yellow skin and thin, stringy hair, who emerges from her backpack and introduces himself as Rafa, a mummy from the famous museum in Guanajuato.

Light Beyond. Luz más allá de 2015

Autor: Ana María Cetto , María Teresa Josefina Pérez De Celis Herrero

Número de Páginas: 500

El Año Internacional de la Luz y las Tecnologías Basadas en Luz 2015 fue una iniciativa global adoptada por las Naciones Unidas. Numerosas organizaciones culturales, académicas, industriales y gubernamentales alrededor del mundo unieron fuerzas para celebrar la luz y crear conciencia sobre las muchas maneras en que la fotónica impacta nuestras vidas en áreas como la energía, educación, cambio climático, salud y bienestar social. De la iniciativa resultaron miles de actividades que involucraron a millones de personas en más de 100 países del mundo. Los temas de este volumen surgieron a lo largo de 2015 como los más relevantes y con mayor interés. Se espera que este libro se convierta en un documento de consulta básica y un legado imborrable.

Spanish Dictionary

Autor: Research And Education Association

Número de Páginas: 552

This complete dictionary was developed by nationally known linguists for the U.S. government. It features an easy-to-use format for quick access to thousands of words and expressions with translations of both English and Spanish sentences. Includes 18,000 idioms, a thorough review of Spanish sounds, grammar, and irregular verbs. Appendix includes translations of words for countries, cities, street signs, holidays, foods, and useful traveling expressions.

Rabia y perdición

Autor: Jennifer Armentrout

Número de Páginas: 536


Cuatro cuartetos

Autor: T.s. Eliot

Número de Páginas: 176

Poesía meditativa, lírica, dramática y espiritual, Cuatro cuartetos, ahora traducida, anotada y comentada por Andreu Jaume, es una de las grandes obras de la literatura del siglo XX y constituye el gran legado moral de T.S. Eliot para el siglo XXI. «Me habría gustado escribir Cuatro cuartetos, de Eliot.» Vicente Valero, El País Cuando parecía que su obra poética había concluido, T. S. Eliot sorprendió a sus lectores con la publicación, en 1935, de Burnt Norton, el primero de los cuatro poemas que conformarían Cuatro cuartetos, una obra completada a lo largo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y que supone la superación de la desolación, a la vez íntima y colectiva, que había descrito en La tierra baldía (1922). East Coker, The Dry Salvages y Little Gidding ahondan en la meditación sobre el tiempo, el amor, la realidad, la muerte y la búsqueda de Dios que Eliot había iniciado en Burnt Norton, convirtiendo la secuencia poética en una averiguación radical que, partiendo de sus raíces, logra desprenderse de lo biográfico para elevarse a un estadio superior. Con el fin de que el lector pueda hacerse una idea del camino que llevó a Eliot al alumbramiento de esta obra, ...


Autor: Rodrigue Samb

Número de Páginas: 86

This poetic book is the work of a young Gambian man that try to make himself heard in the poetic environment. He write his first poems on diverse topic as a mean of communication with himslef and his society: love, concerns, desires, social background, etc. In other words, is the first steps of a young poet in a large poetic world.

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